During the ZF Global Supplier Summit on November 9, 2021 ae group was awarded with the ZF Supplier Performance Award 2021 in the category Sustainability. The Thuringian automotive supplier was honored for its excellent performance in the field of sustainability from over 30,000 suppliers worldwide.

ZF is one of the key customers for the ae group and over the past few years the cooperation has intensified, which has resulted in an long term sustainable turnover, but also in a shared vision on sustainability. "To get recognized for our sustainability approach by one of the leading automotive suppliers, means a lot to ae group and its employees" according to CEO Koen Beckers. “Within ae we use the slogan 'one team one goal', the same slogan can also be applied to our cooperation with ZF”.

The sustainability award not only rewards ae for being the first carbon neutral diecasting group in Germany but for its overall sustainability approach, which also includes the cooperation with the local communities and fire departments, several initiatives for our employees, such as project 'trees of life' as well as on site bee hives.

Video of the award ceremony - November 9, 2021

ae group wins the ZF Supplier Performance Award in the category Sustainability

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